Our Accountability

We are committed to providing a higher level of service that delivers better results

As recruitment specialists, we at LSR are committed to holding ourselves accountable for the quality of our work. We believe that by being accountable to our clients and candidates, we can provide a higher level of service and deliver better results.

Our Services

Accountability as Recruitment Specialists

We are proud to say that we have a 97% satisfaction rate from our clients and an 80% success rate in placing candidates in their desired role in the Life Sciences industry. This would not be possible without our commitment to accountability.
If you’re looking for a recruitment partner who will be accountable to you and your needs, then look no further than LSR. We’ll make sure that you’re happy with the results of our work, and that your next hire is the right fit for your organisation. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

Our Services